International Studies & Programs


The Center for Gender in Global Context currently has nearly 375 Affiliated Faculty/Staff (AFS) members from throughout MSU's campus, across 17 colleges and more than 65 departments and offices.

AFS can be Core, Consulting, GJEC, or GDG (some members may be both GJEC/GDG and Core or Consulting). Jump to a short description of our AFS categories.

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Catalina Bartlett
College: Arts and Letters
Department: Writing, Rhetoric, and American Cultures
Affiliation: Core
Email: bartl142(at)
Link to Bio
Geographical Area of Research: United States, South America
Research Focus: Creative writing, Social justice, Decolonization, Chicanx/Latinx studies, Indigenous studies, Affect theory, Women of color feminisms
Peter Beattie
College: Social Science
Department: History
Affiliation: Core
Email: beattiep(at)
Link to Bio
Geographical Area of Research: Brazil
Research Focus: South American history, Brazil, History, 19th century history, 20th century history
Julia Bello-Bravo
College: Agriculture and Natural Resources
Department: Food Science and Human Nutrition
Affiliation: Core
Email: bellobra(at)
Link to Bio
Geographical Area of Research: Sub-saharan Africa
Research Focus: Communication, Education, Science communication, Informal learning, Agriculture, Health, Community well-being
Abigail Bennett
College: Agriculture and Natural Resources
Department: Fisheries and Wildlife
Affiliation: Consulting
Email: benne592(at)
Link to Bio
Geographical Area of Research: Malawi, Global
Research Focus: Fisheries, Food security, Well-being, Health
Allison Berg
College: James Madison College
Department: James Madison
Affiliation: Core
Email: berga(at)
Link to Bio
Geographical Area of Research: United States
Research Focus: Social movements, Trauma studies, Women's history
Susan Bitensky
College: Law
Department: Law
Affiliation: Core
Email: bitensky(at)
Link to Bio
Geographical Area of Research: Global
Research Focus: Human rights law, Children's rights
Adrian Blow
College: Social Science
Department: Human Development and Family Studies
Affiliation: Core
Email: blowa(at)
Link to Bio
Geographical Area of Research: Africa, Global
Research Focus: Therapy, Military, Trauma, Infidelity, Common factors, Marriage and family therapy
Robyn Bluhm
College: Arts and Letters/Lyman Briggs College
Department: Philosophy/Lyman Briggs
Affiliation: Core
Email: rbluhm(at)
Link to Bio
Geographical Area of Research: Global
Research Focus: Neuroscience, Philosophy of science, Ethics, Epistemology
Anne Bogat
College: Social Science
Department: Psychology
Affiliation: Core
Email: bogat(at)
Link to Bio
Geographical Area of Research: United States
Research Focus: Developmental psychology, COVID, Intimate partner violence
Michael Boivin
College: Osteopathic Medicine
Department: Neurology and Ophthalmology
Affiliation: Consulting
Email: boivin(at)
Link to Bio
Geographical Area of Research: Africa
Research Focus: Cognitive psychology, HIV, Children's health, Africa

What do our AFS Categories Mean?

Core AFS have a strong continuing professional focus on issues of women and gender in domestic, international, or global contexts, as demonstrated through research and teaching or other achievements. The Core AFS supports the activities of GenCen and assists in developing and implementing its programs and activities, and are also eligible to serve on the GenCen Advisory Committee.

Consulting AFS, while having a professional interest in issues of women and gender in domestic, international, or global contexts and activities of the GenCen, usually do not have these interests as the main focus of their research. 

GDG (Gender, Development and Globalization) AFS will also be either Core or Consulting AFS and have specific expertise and interest in gender and international development.

GJEC (Gender, Justice and Environmental Change) AFS may also be either Core or Consulting AFS, though that is not a requirement. GJEC AFS are dedicated to teaching and scholarship related to intersections of gender, environmental change, and social and environmental justice; examining these issues from both local and global perspectives.

If you are interested in becoming a GenCen affiliate, please contact ISP.GenCen.Reserch(at) Please note that you must be a MSU faculty or staff to apply for an affiliation.ISP.GenCen.Research(at)

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