GenCen offers a variety of funding opportunities for graduate students, including dissertation fellowships, travel funding, and teaching fellowships. The GenCen also offers one paper competition for graduate students annually.
The Gender, Justice, and Environmental Change (GJEC) Program, at the Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen), offers fellowships for MSU graduate students annually. Enrollment in the GJEC program is not required. Generous funding provided by MSU’s Graduate School allows us to offer fellowship opportunities in the following two categories:
Ph.D. students at MSU who have completed all requirements for their degree with the exception of their dissertation research. Applicants must have dissertation projects that focus specifically on the gender dimensions of environmental and/or agricultural change. Students must have a dissertation proposal approved by their home department prior to the disbursement of funding.
Application requirements:
Ph.D. students at MSU who have completed dissertation research and all other requirements for their degree program, except for the final stages of the dissertation, and expect to graduate within the upcoming academic year. Students must have a dissertation proposal approved by their home department prior to the disbursement of funding.
Application requirements:
We encourage previously unsuccessful applicants to reapply.
Submit completed applications and all supporting documents in .doc, .docx, or .PDF format to the GJEC Advisor.
*Awards are contingent upon funds approval and funding will first be applied to any outstanding MSU bills, including MSU short-term loans, tuition bills, etc.
Note: Fellowships are awarded as a lump sum and do not include tuition waivers or benefits. Students awarded the fellowships cannot receive more than the equivalent of a one-quarter time assistantship from other sources during the semester in which they receive the award. It is highly recommended that students also consult with their department and home college regarding their policies for the award of dissertation funding.
With the generous support of the GJEC Fellowship, I am able to conduct extensive ethnographic research in Nzulezo, a small community located in the middle of the Amanzule River in southern Ghana. The people of Nzulezo have lived on the river for over four centuries; yet, their history only travels as far as by word of mouth. GJEC funding has allowed me to take up the task of studying and documenting Nzulezo history, which proffers profound insights into how prolonged human interactions with water have led to the formation of a complex relationship among culture, ecology, and gender. Who will support researchers to undertake such critical studies? GJEC will!!!
-Eric Kesse, 2019-2020 GJEC Dissertation Research Fellow
The Women's & Gender Studies (WGS) Program and the Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen) offers Women's and Gender Studies fellowships for MSU graduate students annually. Enrollment in the WGS graduate specialization is not required. Generous funding provided by MSU’s Graduate School allows us to offer between 8-10 fellowship opportunities in the following two categories:
Ph.D. students at MSU who have completed all requirements for their degree with the exception of their dissertation research. Applicants must have dissertation projects that incorporate a significant focus on women, gender, or sexuality. Students must have a dissertation proposal approved by their home department prior to the disbursement of funding.
Application requirements:
Ph.D. students at MSU who have completed dissertation research and all other requirements for their degree program, except for the final stages of the dissertation, and expect to graduate in the upcoming academic year. Applicants must have dissertation projects that incorporate a significant focus on women, gender, or sexuality. Students must have a dissertation proposal approved by their home department prior to the disbursement of funding.
Application requirements:
We encourage previously unsuccessful applicants to reapply.
Submit completed applications and all supporting documents in .doc, .docx, or .PDF format to the WGS Advisor.
*Awards are contingent upon funds approval and funding will first be applied to any outstanding MSU bills, including MSU short-term loans, tuition bills, etc.
Note: Fellowships are awarded as a lump sum and do not include tuition waivers or benefits. Students awarded the fellowships cannot receive more than the equivalent of a one-quarter time assistantship from other sources during the semester in which they receive the award. It is highly recommended that students also consult with their department and home college regarding their policies for the award of dissertation funding.
Funding is currently not available for the 2024-2025 academic year.
When funds are available, GenCen awards grants of up to $300 to support graduate students who will be delivering papers or other presentations on research related to Women's and Gender Studies at academic conferences, with a preference for students presenting at conferences in the field of Women's and Gender Studies. A student may only apply for this grant once per academic year, and preference will be given to qualified applicants who have not previously received these funds. These funds should be used to supplement support from the student's home department or the Graduate School. Students must apply for this funding prior to their travel; funding will not be retroactively applied to travel already undertaken. Please note that the student must be registered for at least one credit in the semester that funding is awarded.
Funds will be awarded on a rolling basis throughout the academic year.
Applications must include:
Electronic submission of materials is encouraged. Please email materials in Word or PDF format to .
Funding is currently not available for the 2024-2025 academic year.
When funds are available, GenCen awards research grants of up to $500 each to graduate students whose major research focus is women's and gender studies. These funds will be used to support engagement in preliminary exploratory research in advance of writing a dissertation grant proposal. A student may only apply and be awarded this grant once in their graduate career, and these funds should supplement funds awarded by the student's home department and/or the Graduate School. Please note that the student must be registered for at least one credit in the semester that funding is awarded.
Funds will be awarded on a rolling basis throughout the academic year.
Applications must include:
Electronic submission of materials is encouraged. Please email materials in Word or PDF format to .
The Center for Gender in Global Context (GenCen) hires advanced PhD students as instructors to teach online, asynchronous WGS core courses each summer, including:
WS 201: Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies (two sections: summer I and summer II)
WS 202: Introduction to Contemporary Feminisms and Gender Theories
WS 301: Sexual Violence Against Women and Children
WS 304: LGBTQ and Sexuality Studies
WS 403: Women and Change in Developing Countries
These courses are offered in online and asynchronous modality only.
Preferred Applicant Qualifications:
Application Requirements:
GenCen sponsors one paper competition for graduate students (the Rita S. Gallin Award), two paper competitions for undergraduates, and a feminist activism award. Information on these awards, lists of previous winners, and the current call for submissions can all be found on our Paper and Activism Awards page.