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GSID Specialization


Woman making Molas in PanamaGenCen offers a Graduate Specialization in International Development (GSID), available as an elective for students who are enrolled in master's and doctoral degree programs at MSU. The specialization, administered by the College of Social Science, is designed to:

                      • provide an opportunity for graduate students to obtain a comprehensive and contemporary academic experience in the field of international development studies;
                      • sensitize graduate students with an interest in development studies to their professional obligations and responsibilities; and develop an intellectual environment that will foster the growth of research and teaching in the area of development studies.

Students may design individualized programs with a focus on gender relations in the areas of health, work, rural development, environment and development, development administrations, nongovernmental organizations in development, and politics of development.

Official program requirements are available at the Office of the Registrar, linked here.

Download a copy of the GSID brochure here [pdf]

Contact the GenCen grad programs advisor, Pat Arnold, for more information.

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Center for Gender in Global Context
International Center
427 N. Shaw Lane, Room 206
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: 517-353-5040
Email: gencen(at)

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