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GJEC Policy Courses

AFRE 810: Institutional and Behavioral Economics
Relationships among institutions, individual and collective actions, and economic performance. Public choice, property rights, and behavioral theories of firms and bureaucracies.

AFRE 829: Economics of Environmental Resources
Economic principles, theoretical models, and empirical methods related to environmental problems and policy interventions. Applications to air, land, water, forests, energy, fish and wildlife, and climate change, including in developing countries.

ANP 436: Globalization and Justice: Issues in Political and Legal Anthropology
Anthropological perspectives on issues of justice linked to global forces of transnational capitalism, economic development, global governance, and international law.

ANP 836: Culture, Resources, and Power
Production of knowledge/expertise regarding development, environment, culture, and rights; effects of applying these knowledges.

ANP 439: Human Rights: Anthropological Perspectives
Cross-cultural study of human rights. Anthropological perspective on the role of law, customs, values, and politics in defining, organizing, and understanding individual and collective rights.

CJ 847: Risk, Conservation and Criminology
Theories, actors, characteristics and legal instruments associated with risk, conservation, and criminology related to globalization. Current case studies in criminological conservation.

CJ 845: Environmental Risk Perception and Decision Making
Theoretical underpinnings of individual decision-making and risk perception processes. Case studies of the interplay of risk perception and decision-making in an environmental and or criminological context.

CSUS 419: International Studies in Community Sustainability
Contemporary problems affecting community sustainability outside the United States. Ecological, socio-dynamic, and cultural influences on environmental management. Study-travel experience.

CSUS 465: Environmental Law and Policy
Legal principles and process related to the environment and natural resources. Common law, constitutional law, statutory and administrative law.

CSUS 811: Community, Food, and Agriculture: A Survey
Contemporary issues in agri-food system restructuring. Explores ethical, sociological, cultural, economic, political, and environmental issues related to the transformation of food and farming systems in the U.S., and globally.

CSUS 823: Contemporary Issues in Animal-Human Relationships
Contemporary issues in animal-human relationships, including agriculture and food systems, local communities, and enclosed parks. Nature as a fluid network of relations including humans, nonhumans, and technologies.

CSUS 848: Community Based Natural Resource Management in International Development
Community-based natural resource management in developing countries. Determinants of conservation, productivity, and income distribution. Interaction of human and natural systems, perceptions of scarcity, property rights, collective action, and governance. Policy tools for promoting conservation.

CSUS 854: Agriculture and Social Movements
Theoretical and empirical issues in social movements. History of United States agrarian insurgency. Contemporary analysis of agrifood insurgency, grievances, organization, ideology, economic and political structures. Role of culture.

CSUS 425: Environmental Impact Assessment
Environmental impact assessment of proposed projects and plans. Regulatory frameworks and implementation issues.

CSUS 447: Community Economic Development
Theories, frameworks, policies, concepts, principles, models, and skills for community economic development. Community participation in local development initiatives.

CSUS 463: Food Fight: Politics of Food
Social power and its influence in US agrifood system. Structural and cultural issues related to politics of food consumption, production, labor, processing, retail, techno-science, policy, resistance movements.

CSUS 464: Environmental and Natural Resource Policy in MI
State legislative process and its role in environmental and natural resource policy formulation. Influence of lobbying, citizen engagement and political factors.

EAD 942: Economics of Education
Economic effects of education. Economic analysis of policy issues in education. Applications to the United States and other countries.

EC 410: Issues in Economies of Developing Countries
Topics in development economics, such as growth, technological change, structural transformation, poverty and inequality, investment in human resources, trade, international capital flows, and the political economy of policy formation and governance.

EC 450: Economics of Environmental Policy (W)
Economic principles of pollution control and environmental policy. Theory of efficient markets and market failure, public goods and externalities. Design of environmental policy. Contemporary policy issues.

EC 495: Economics Poverty and Income Distribution (W)
Theory of the distribution of income and wealth. Concepts and measurement of welfare. Definitions of poverty. Effects of public and private programs on the poor.

ESA 430: Environmental and Natural Resource Law
Legal principles applied to the environment and natural resources. Sovereignty, property rights, land and water use, jurisdiction, public trust doctrine, wetland law, and eminent domain. Case and statutory law analysis.

FOR 835: Forest Carbon Policy, Economics and Finance
Social dimensions associated with the development and implementation of forest-based climate change mitigation projects, including: valuation of trees and forests by local communities vs. international community; community decision making; public participation; community engagement.

FOR 466: Natural Resource Policy
Natural resources policy-making in the context of scientific, environmental, social, and legal-institutional factors. Historical evolution of policies and case studies of contemporary policy issues.

FW 450: International Environmental Law and Policy
Overview of concepts, actors, norms, laws, and institutions related to international environmental policy. Case studies on current global environmental issues.

FW 813: Democracy and Environment
Relationship between democracy and environmental protection and management. Effects of democratic institutions on natural resource management.

PLS 422: Seminar in Political Science
Variable topics including legislative behavior, policy analysis, political development, human rights, international conflict, foreign policy, international political economy, and constitutionalism.

PPL 891: Issues in Public Policy
Practices and methods in diverse policy settings examined under the tutelage of policy professionals.

PPL 807: Public Policy
Introduction to public policy and the policy-making process.

SOC 865: Environmental Sociology
Effects of attitudes, social structure, and policy on the causes and consequences of natural resource depletion, pollution, energy use, growth, and technological risks. Response of movements and policies to environmental problems.

SW 820: Social Welfare Policy and Services
Policy analysis in historical and philosophical context. The social work profession and social welfare policy. Public policy process in the U.S. context. Gender, racial-ethnic, social class, and international policy issues.

SW 822: Topics in Policy Practice and Advocacy
Information and skills for policy practice for advocacy at local, community, agency, state and federal levels. National and international policy comparisons.

UP 433: Intro to Environmental Planning
Nature and magnitude of contemporary environmental issues. Political, social and cultural forces that influence environmental policy and planning. Processes and tools available to planning professionals.

UP 823: Urban Land Management and the Environment
Concepts, principles, tools, and techniques of urban and regional land management. Land use planning, public facilities, infrastructure location, and environmental sensitivity in land management.

ZOL 446: Environmental Issues and Public Policy
Interrelationship of science and public policy in resolving environmental issues. Technical, social, economic, and legal influences. Case study approach.

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