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Strategic Partnership Grants

Overview of GenCen's SPGs

The Provost and Dean of ISP offer SPGs for MSU faculty to develop strategic, long-term partnerships with global higher education institutions (HEIs) and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). These partnerships should be centered on collaborative research between at least two departments and/or colleges at MSU and one or more global partner institutions. SPG awards typically range from $2,000 to $4,000. Funds may be granted for research proposal development, related travel, and/or preliminary research activities. GenCen accepts proposals that are guided by the core principles of gender, intersectionality, and inclusion, and address at least one of the following priority subject areas:

  1. Agriculture and development
  2. Empowerment and poverty eradication
  3. Environmental justice and social change
  4. Gender and violence
  5. Health and nutrition
  6. LGBTQ+ scholarship
  7. Science, technology, and innovation

GenCen’s SPGs are intended to serve as seed funding for research that will likely lead to:

  • Successful future proposals for competitive external grants.
  • Continued collaboration between MSU and the partner institution.
  • Strong global outreach that support MSU and ISP’s goal of nurturing sustainable and equitable global research partnerships with HEIs and NGOs.

If you have questions, please email isp.gencen.research(at) or Soma Chaudhuri at chaudh30(at)

Award Timeline

GenCen offers two cycles of SPG funding cycles per academic year.

Fall SPG Timeline

  • Sep 15: Applications Due
  • Oct 1: Funding Decision
  • Jan 15: Deadline to Complete Activities & Travel
  • Jun 5: Deadline for Reimbursement Requests*
  • Jun 15: Report Due**

Spring SPG Timeline

  • Jan 15: Applications Due
  • Jan 30: Funding Decision
  • May 30: Deadline to Complete Activities & Travel
  • Jun 5: Deadline for Reimbursement Requests*
  • Jun 15: Report Due**

* Due to ISP and university deadlines, failure to complete travel and reimbursements by the deadlines will result in a non-reimbursement of projects costs.

** Failure to submit a report may affect the awardees’ future SPG applications.

Applicant Eligibility

  • Applications must have at least three co-PIs, including two MSU faculty members from two different departments and faculty/staff from a global HEI or organization. Each co-PI must have a clearly defined role.
  • At least one of the MSU co-PIs must be affiliated with GenCen.
  • The MSU co-PIs’ colleges and/or departments are expected to contribute a minimum 20% match to ensure that the commitment to long-term partnering is shared by all units.
  • Previous SPG awardees may apply for another SPG but must wait until at least two years have passed since the completion of the previous grant.

Proposal Requirements

Please submit proposal packets to isp.gencen.research(at) by the application deadline. All applications will go through rigorous peer review with a small team of experts affiliated with GenCen.

  1. Complete application form
  2. Complete budget form
  3. Project narrative (5-pages maximum, double-spaced, 12-point font) of:
    • The proposed research questions and intellectual merit of the project.
    • The project timeline, specific tasks, and how you will meet GenCen's SPG deadlines.
    • The history of the collaborators' professional relationship.
    • Each applicant's unique contributions and role in the project. This section should highlight key points in applicants' CVs and supplement information you provide on the 'Applicants' page of this form.
    • How this project will strategically prepare applicants to apply for competitive external grants, continue their collaboration, and generate strong global outreach.
  4. Letter(s) of support from deans or department chairs committing to a minimum 20% matching funds
  5. IRB letter of approval (if application involves data collection)
  6. Applicant CVs (each 5 pages maximum)
  7. If applicable: A copy of the SPG report filed and a one-page summary of activities from each applicant who previously received a GenCen SPG

Budget Guidelines

  • GenCen will usually award between $2,000 to $4,000 for an SPG.
  • Funding is typically used for international travel or pilot research, setting up research teams at the site, and meeting potential collaborators.
  • Up to 30% of the budget may be allotted to hire an RA and/or for international collaborators to travel to MSU.
  • Budget justification must clearly outline how each collaborating faculty member and international partner is involved in the project.
  • The MSU co-PIs’ units and/or colleges must contribute a total match of 20%.
  • The budget cannot pay for MSU Center or Office directors’ travel.

Download the budget template

Application & Post-Award Forms

Application Forms

Post-Award Reporting Forms

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