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Colloquia Presentation
Friday, 03 Nov 2017
1:30 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.
303 International Center
Center for Gender in Global Context
Event Details:

"Violet Sunset: Big-Time Football, College Masculinities and American Exceptionalism at Cold War NYU"

This presentation analyzes the history of the NYU football program from World War II until its final discontinuation in 1952, in the context of the transformations in American college masculinities brought into place by the Cold War policies. Based on archival research on the 'abolition of football,' the changes in college athletics broadcasting and the Anticommunist campaigns in New York City, this presentation will discuss the ways in which NYU became the largest university in the country without a varsity football team.

Javier Pescador is a fulltime professor in MSU's History Department. He teaches college sports history, history of American Cinema and history of sports in the United States.